
“Life is a lot like Jazz, it’s best if you improvise.”
– George Gershwin

Free-style form of movement using today’s most popular music!

Classes consist of warm-up, stretches, travelling steps, turns and jumps across the floor. Tiny Jazz: Students focus on coordination and movement. Learning the basic technique in each genre. We introduce them to the importance of rhythm to Fun energetic music. Ages 3-6yrs. If you are looking to sign up for a high energy class that is sure to keep you moving and groovin’, then our jazz classes are the right choice for you! Our jazz classes build upon the foundations from jazz’s origins decades ago, while also incorporating other styles for a unique and blend of styles like street jazz and theatre dance.
Beginning in the roaring 20’s, jazz was a create dance movement that blossomed out of both African and European dance tradition but originated in America. Since its creation in the 1920’s, every following era had a different style of jazz dancing. From the Charleston to Black Bottom, to some of the newest styles like pop, music videos and contemporary. The common subject binding these extremely different styles together is the unstoppable rhythm that comes from its African influences. Weather it’s the music or the dance, Jazz is a fun and fast-moving style that focuses on developing style, and technique. Our classes start with a thorough warm up that builds foundational jazz moves and strengthens your technique. The combination of stretch and strength can vary between teachers. After the warm up we go across the floor practicing basic jazz steps and working on isolations, across-the-floor exercises, turns, jumps and combinations. The class ends with choreography where sequences are put together to practice musicality and performance skills. The jazz classes here at DanceFX are a great environment to learn in, and a fantastic way to try something new. Sign up for a class today and enjoy a dance that is a unique blend of the past, the present, and is always true to the true to the eclectic styles that birthed it.

Jazz Instructors



Teresa Morrissette